Creating innovations to meet
the needs of tomorrow's agriculture


Ajoutez votre titre ici

Post haec indumentum regale quaerebatur et ministris fucandae purpurae tortis confessisque pectoralem tuniculam sine manicis textam, Maras nomine quidam inductus est ut appellant Christiani diaconus, cuius prolatae litterae scriptae Graeco sermone ad.


The monitoring solution that improves the performance and welfare of cows and makes the daily life of the farmer more serene!



Each part of your farm is under surveillance thanks to simple, robust, and efficient cameras specifically adapted to livestock farming.

Non-artificial intelligence :
Technology in the service of Humans

At iOtee, we firmly believe that technology should be a tool serving humans.

Our mission is to make innovation accessible by creating solutions that meet the real needs of farmers.

We support you through our ecosystem of skills:

Our partner network:
A trust-based relationship in the heart of our success


We work with a network of partners present in France and Europe, ensuring proximity to farmers.

We support them daily to offer quality service to their clients.


To learn more, fill out the contact form:

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